Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho

In April, Deso (Sanitation Company of Sergipe) released an awareness-raising campaign about the fight against water waste on the state. Continuing the communication plan, the campaign had a sequel in a second round directed to the child audience, with the intent to educate the new generation about the importance of saving water.
A mascot was, then, created to communicate with the children and promote a proximity with the public, which was invited to choose the name between three options (Dedezinho, Tchibum or Ribeirinho) through a voting section on the website It also contains: the mascot’s story; coloring pages; tips on water use and the campaign film, which was first released on Cinemark Aracaju, before the movie ‘Dumbo’. More than 13.000 people voted and chose the name Desinho, revealing the public’s interaction with the brand’s storytelling.
Online games were the next content to be released on Deso’s website, increasing the attention and interaction with the brand and emphasizing the theme of conscious consumption, after all, communication also works through entertainment.
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho