Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho
Destinar: a campaign to benefit the entities from Sergipe
The tax return is an annual obligation for the taxpayer, and many times it’s perceived in a negative connotation, a responsibility and penalty. However, what many people don’t know is that they can allocate part of the taxes in benefit of social funds for juvenile rights of each state.
To spread this information, the creative line of the campaign was set on showing how easy it is to find the destination, debunking the concept of how hard and complicated it is. The media strategy, mainly focused on digital media, included website, banners and videos for Facebook, Instagram, besides Youtube tutorials that shows a step by step explanation.
The campaign resulted in more than 10k clicks and 520k impressions. These results are consolidated with the hotsite’s registered activities throughout the campaign with 7,7k sessions at the time. In terms of revenue, the results are still more expressive: the total raised in 2019 as of the IR destination, it was represented by an increasing of 66,75% when compared to the numbers in 2018, according to the data given by the state’s government (CRCSE/PVCC)
Keep track with the campaign:
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho