Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho

Audiência Rio São Francisco
To establish a dialogue with the population about a situation with one of the largest rivers of the country, ALESE arranged a public hearing: “São Francisco’s reality”, in 2016. The activity had the goal of evaluating the reality of the river, which runs through many municipalities of Sergipe, other than debating public politics for its preservation, by the words of experts and representatives of the civil society. To announce it, besides the graphic pieces, two videos were created; one as an invitation for the population to participate and another one to tell the story of “Velho Chico” (“Old Chico”, a nickname for the São Francisco river).

Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho