Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
© 2017 Conceito Comunicação Integrada
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho

This project, which is a follow-up to the “Essa é a Minha Terra” (“This is My Home”) slogan, it was created with the motive of affecting positively the self-esteem of citizens from Sergipe, to restore their hometown pride and strengthen the identity of the people that live in the 75 municipalities of Sergipe. The idea was that someone would tell, by their own perspective, historical or picturesque facts about a street, town square, party or resident. The positive meaning of the story and to praise the town’s characteristics is what’s important.
75 videos ere produced and recorded in 3 seasons and each season, of 25 videos, was broadcasted in each month, on TV Alese and on the internet.
Local personalities, of each city, were invited to tell short stories about the town, a bit of what they saw and lived in the hometown, in a very short timespace - 30 seconds.
The three steps of the project were published on the digital platforms of Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Each ad covereda raius of 20 km from the registered municipality, while some delivered a more expressive performance in comparison to others. Between two platforms, the three phases together have registered a total of 40.808 clicks and more than 1,8 million impressions.
Aracaju - SE
Rua Dr. Celso Oliva,
141 Treze de Julho